What is the brighter future college fund?
Purpose & Goal
The Brighter Future College Fund provides financial assistance for qualifying students from Alta Vista High School to earn a 4-year college degree or acquire a trade by completing training at a vocational or technical school. Our goal is to see an entire generation of professionals and skilled laborers arise from the impoverished villages where we provide primary and secondary education.
How Scholarships Are Awarded
Students who have a grade point average of 85% or above over the last three years of high school and who complete 60 hours of community service are eligible to apply for scholarship money. Endowment or bursary money is distributed to qualifying candidates by a seven-person board according to each student's needs and goals.
Three REASONS to support the college fund:
deserving students
Our school program is academically challenging. Students who qualify for scholarships have earned the right to go on to higher education.
goal oriented
Because the program is goal oriented throughout the process it keeps young people focused and determined to achieve their dreams.
power of education
Education is singularly effective in changing the socioeconomic level of an individual and a people. By investing in education, you change a future.
invest in changing a future!
Donations to the Brighter Future College Fund make possible a new and brighter future for entire families and are the catalyst to fulfilling dreams that past generations of Dominicans never dared to dream.